The inception of YHS India

The idea for YHS India originated during the EGU 2023 conference. Dr Ankit Agarwal from IIT Roorkee noticed that several young hydrologists, including students pursuing Master’s and PhD degrees, postdoctoral fellows, scientists, and early-career Professors, were attending the conference from different universities in India. Surprisingly, despite their substantial presence, many of them were unaware of the various opportunities available at EGU. Additionally, there was a lack of connection among these participants as well as there is no formal framework to connect and collaborate. As a result, several young participants gathered to discuss how they could improve their connections, disseminate information, find PhD partners across borders, propose innovative ideas, and enhance their presentation skills. 

Recognizing this gap, Dr. Ankit Agarwal (IIT Roorkee), Dr. Bramha Dutt Vishwakarma (IISC), Dr. Priyank Sharma (IIT Indore) and Dr. Vamsi Krishna Vema (NIT Warangal) realized the need for a platform that would bring together young hydrologists in India and foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between them. Indeed, the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS) is a bottom-up initiative to stimulate the interaction and active participation of young hydrologists within the hydrological community. Founded in October 2012 the YHS is currently run by a team of enthusiastic MSc’s, PhD’s and post-doc’s from several universities across Europe. 

Dr. Ankit and many interested students had a meeting with Dr Lina Stein to initiate the YHS India Chapter. The membership is free and open to all interested young hydrologists. If you are interested, you can register here for the mail distributor.

More details: here

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