
DHG Task force “Network of young hydrologists”

In January 2015 a new task force was founded within the DHG (German Hydrologic Association) with the aim to establish a network for communication and sharing ideas between young hydrologists. The network is created for communications independent of the scientific level and background of the members. All young hydrologists from students to assistant professors are welcome to the network.

The task force consists of nine permanent members in different stages of their scientific career, i.e. students, PhD candidates, PostDoc’s and assistant professors. The network provides a variety of information useful for young hydrologists, distributed via a mail distribution system and the official website http://youngsters.dhydrog.de/ .These Information include a whole spectrum from vacancies, over news to interesting events up to activities of already existing groups for young hydrologists (e.g. YHS). The participation in the network increases the visibility of its members and creates possibilities for further exchange.

An annual workshop is organized by the society, creating a forum for getting in touch with each other and for discussions of latest research results and ideas in an unconstrained atmosphere apart from big conferences with often limited time for discussions. Also, other events are supported like the “Night of Hydrology”, which takes place the eve before the “Day of Hydrology”, and the annual workshop “Hydrological Modeling”.

The membership is free and open to all interested young hydrologists. If you are interested, you can register your email at youngsters@dhydrog.de for the mail distributor. Also, all scientists from universities, research centers, agencies and other organizations are welcome to send useful information to this email for distribution among the members of the network.


Organizing committee YHS-DE:

Christian Reinhardt-Imjela (Freie Universität Berlin)
Peter Chifflard (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Sandra Grunicke (Technische Universität Dresden)
Florian Jehn (Universität Gießen)
Hannes Müller Schmied (Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main)
Hannes Müller-Thomy (Technische Universität Wien)
Ina Pohle (The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen)
Sandra Willkommen (Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel)
Sonja Teschemacher (Technische Universität München)