Call for applicants – YHS Board

The Young Hydrologic Society (YHS) is a bottom-up initiative to stimulate the interaction and active participation of young hydrologists within the hydrological community.

Founded in October 2012 the YHS is currently run by a team of enthusiastic MScs, PhD students and post-docs from several universities across the world. The YHS board members manage the day to day YHS activities: organising conference sessions, creating blog posts and running the YHS twitter account.

YHS is organised as a group of committees supported by the president and secretary. Each board member usually serves a two-year term. 

The following committees have open positions:

Blog: The members of the committee invite contributions to the blog and serve as editors and reviewers. There is a close connection to the EGU Hydrological Sciences, HEPEX and AGU H3S blogs in the form of joint blog posts. Multiple vacancies.

National Branches: The members of the committee support new and established national YHS branches and national representatives where necessary Multiple vacancies.

Outreach: The members of the committee manage the YHS platforms on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. That includes sharing YHS news, early career events and job opportunities. 1 vacancy.

Conferences: The members of the committee coordinate YHS-led networking events, short courses and sessions at national and international conferences. For that it can rely on the support of the entire board and the EGU Early Career Representative. Multiple vacancies.

We welcome applications from all Early Career Hydrologists. If you have any questions about the positions you are welcome to contact current or former chairs

Election Procedure:

  • Open call for candidates until 5th December 2023. Interested candidates are invited to apply by sending a 200-word statement of purpose for the role along with a 2-page CV to
  • Based on the applications a short list for each open position is created by the current president+secretary. Based on the short list the current YHS board selects the new YHS members.
  • The new committee members are announced by late January and will start their 2-year term from early February 2024. 
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