

The aims of the YHS-Morocco are to foster networking and collaboration by connecting early career hydrologists from academia, research institutes, and industry to facilitate knowledge exchange and professional growth.

We aim to create a platform for young hydrologists to share their work, ideas, and best practices in a supportive and engaging environment. Additionally, we promote professional development by organizing workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of young hydrologists, and providing opportunities for members to present their research and receive feedback from peers and experts in the field. We encourage innovative approaches by inspiring creativity and innovation in hydrology through interactive and fun events, such as themed seminars and collaborative projects, and supporting the development of new methodologies and technologies in the field of hydrology. Finally, we aim to build a strong community by creating a sense of community among young hydrologists in Morocco, fostering a supportive network that extends internationally, and engaging with the broader hydrology community to promote inclusivity and diverse perspectives.

Organization and Potential Members

The membership in YHS-Morocco is open to all early-career scientists (including post-doctoral researchers and those who are a few years from their terminal degree). Membership is available to fill various vacant positions within the office.

To join us in YHS Morocco,

Please reach out to Dr. Rafik at Abdellatif.rafik@um6p.ma

More information

Please contact us here for any queries.

Dr. RAFIK Abdellatif (Abdellatif.rafik@um6p.ma)


University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), Morocco